Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How to overcome income inequalities in the future

The future. When I think about it, the following come to mind: better and sustainable standards of living, order and not chaos, equal opportunities for all, happiness, technological advancement to name a few. However, looking at the current state of things I am positive that we can definitely achieve technological advancement and everything that comes with it  But I highly doubt whether the all Humans of the future will be able to enjoy it.

Thinking about the present scenario and from the little experience that I have had so far in life. I believe that having money or the lack of it can make or break you as an individual or in some cases the abundance of money can break you instead of making you.

My point is if a person (lets say you) who wasnt born in a rich family and worked really hard all his/her life and created wealth for himself, is it right to just let his/her children have it for free?

This is the very core of our income inequality problem.

Sure you would say that, 'I earned it for my children and they should have it so that they don't face the same problems I did". I agree, however look at the other side of the picture if you wouldn't have seen/felt the lack of money would it ever push you to create wealth in the first place?
The experiences you had while reaching your goals and the people you met in your journey those are the things that you are depriving your children from and just by giving them your earnings you are creating a disbalance in the economy. A person needs to work hard, learn from mistakes, deal with situations and then get rewarded thats what humans have done until now.

My theory is simple. We need laws that restrict the passing on of wealth from one generation to the other. People need to earn their breads, roof and clothes. If you do good for yourself great spend it all on yourself you've earned it, if you don't then no worries you would still be at par with the rest of the world.

This theory, like others has its cons. I won't be rigid and say follow it down to the last letter. No there can be exemptions and relaxations.

We need to be a progressive race in order to survive.